Devourer library

Devourer overview

27/02/2013 manual vesion: 2 devourer version: 0.1

This document is an official manual for Devourer XML processing library. This page will be updated with the changes in new releases of the library.

Devourer is a library for streaming XML processing. It is a wrapper around StAX parsing library providing easy-to-use mechanism to configure actions which should be executed on certain elements inside an XML document. These actions can do anything with the data they receive, e.g. construct new objects. To hold intermediate state stack data structure is used.

Devourer is very simple to use. First you create and configure an instance of Devourer class and then you feed it an XML document. Devourer accepts InputStreams, Readers, byte arrays and strings. After parsing it produces Stacks object which contains results of the processing.

Devourer’s source code can be found at Bitbucket: Binary release is available at Maven Central:


Devourer is released under Apache 2.0 license, so you can use it everywhere you want.


Devourer is heavily influenced by Apache Commons Digester. In fact, it does the same work as Digester, but there are some differences.

First, Devourer is based on StAX library instead of SAX. This leads to much cleaner and easier to support parsing code, as well as nearly effortless thread safety. StAX provides so-called ‘pull’ parser, as opposed to SAX ‘push’ parser. The difference is that in SAX the parser invokes callbacks provided by you when it reaches certain XML entities, while with the StAX parser you advance the parser manually using iterator-like syntax. StAX parser allows writing much cleaner code because it gives more control over parsing process. Since you call its next() method manually, it is possible to run all XML processing inside a single method call, thus removing the need to hold intermediate state inside object fields. This works very nicely with concurrency.

In fact, Devourer provides a SAX-like API in the sense that it relies on callbacks too; however, Devourer’s callbacks are intended to be single-purpose and much lighter; they also do not have internal state and instead work with state container provided by Devourer.

Second, Devourer does not use reflection (well, almost, but it is optional), it relies on callbacks defined as anonymous classes implementing certain interfaces instead. Not only this removes performance hit of reflection; the action interfaces are designed to integrate nicely with Java 8 Lambda extensions. Action interfaces are functional interfaces in term of Java 8; this means that lambda expressions can be used anywhere where they are expected. Because of this it is possible to define actions using very clean, terse and understandable syntax, while not sacrificing performance. Reflection is used in another variant of configuration based on annotations. It is optional, but it still can be useful because of its readability.

Third, Devourer has minimum amount of runtime dependencies. It only depend on Google Guava library, which it uses rather heavily. Guava provides various utilities including immutable collections, I/O helpers, preconditions, Optional etc. Guava encourages modern programming style including usage of immutable collections and null-hostility. Devourer is created using these principles, and I believe they make the code much easier to write and support.

I see above points as advantages of Devourer over Digester. However, Digester still may be preferrable for you. Digester is much more mature project. Its configuration may be somewhat easier to understand than Devourer annotation configuration and certainly is easier than Devourer modular configuration (at least on Java < 8 and when not using IDE folding). Its reflection-based rules integrate nicely with JavaBean convention. Digester supports loading rules from XML files, which allows dynamic reconfiguration of the parsing process (Devourer may support something like this one day). Digester (at least v3) supports plugins, which are used to dynamically reconfigure digesting rules during the processing. Digester support for XML namespaces is much better than Devourer’s (this is something I will try to fix in the nearest future). Digester’s API is stable; Devourer’s API will evolve, at least during first several versions.

Devourer workflow overview, basic concepts


As I said, Devourer is a tool for XML processing. Essentially it is a wrapper over streaming XML parser which can be configured to execute arbitrary code (each piece of which is called action) on elements of an XML document. This code usually constructs some Java object, though it is not required. Actions are set to be executed on elements using these elements’ path inside the document tree. A path which Devourer uses is similar to XPath expression, though much simpler. It looks like conventional path inside Unix filesystem: /path/to/node. For example, in the following document:


the most inner element <name> will be located at /root/subtree/node/name path.

The path should be declared without XML namespace prefixes. Devourer will not handle qualified names in the path correctly. Namespaces support is somewhat lacking in the Devourer currently; I intend to fix this in the nearest versions.

The path can match multiple nodes in the document, like in the following piece:

    <node>foo bar</node>
    <node>baz boo</node>
    <node>woo zoo</node>

There are exactly three elements which match /root/subtree/node path and two elements which match /root/subtree path. If some actions are configured on these paths, they will be executed one time for each one of the corresponding elements.


To assist actions in holding their state, for example, parts of the object being constructed, Devourer provides Stacks object. Stacks is a collection of stacks (which is not hard to infer). Stacks interface provides an access to a number of stacks using their names. It also provides direct access to some default stack. This is simply a shortcut to access default stack by its name, "main". Stacks are created on the first access to them, so it is possible to have arbitrary amount of them.

Actions should use Stacks to store their intermediate state. The single Stacks instance is not reused by Devourer in separate parsing processes, which means that if you hold all the state you need inside Stacks, your actions will be completely thread-safe.

Devourer returns Stacks object as a result of the parsing process, so if you need to return some object from the actions to your application code, use Stacks. Note, however, that default implementation of Stacks interface is not thread-safe by itself. This is not a problem for the Devourer since it never uses single instance of Stacks from multiple threads, but because it is returned from the parse() method to your code, you should know that using it from multiple threads is a bad idea.

Action types

XML has fairly complex structure when you look into its details, but Devourer tries to abstract all these details into three types of events you can encounter. These types of events correspond to three types of actions Devourer support.

These types define when the given action will be executed in regard to the XML element. These types are before-actions, at-actions and after-actions. This scheme mirrors the one of Digester.

Before-actions are executed when the start tag of the element is encountered. In Digester terminology such actions are implemented using begin() method of Rule class. These actions are suitable for the preparation of objects builders or objects themselves; it is also reasonable to check element attributes here.

At-actions are executed when the textual content of the element is encountered. In Digester terminology such actions are implemented using body() method of Rule class. These actions are needed to retrieve text from the XML elements. Note that because of the way streaming parsers work these actions could be invoked multiple times for the same element if this element’s body is a mix of text nodes and other elements, like in the following example:

  some text
    inner text
  another text

In case at-action has been configured on /root element, it will be invoked twice, first for some text piece, second for another text piece.

It also should be noted that at-actions will not be invoked if the content consists entirely of whitespace. It is also possible to tweak leading and trailing whitespaces handling by the means of Devourer configuration.

After-actions are executed when the end tag of the element is encountered. In Digester terminology such actions are implemented using end() element of Rule class. These actions are used to construct final version of the objects.

All actions have access to Stacks object and AttributeContext object. Stacks object is described above. AttributeContext (the name may be changed in future versions) is an object which provides an access to current element parameters: element name and namespace and element attributes. Usually you use AttributeContext to read element attributes.

At-actions also are provided with element content represented as String.

Mapping configuration

Configuration of Devourer is done using an object of certain kind. Configuration object defines a mapping from paths inside XML document to series of actions which should be executed on the nodes which are located at the specified path. There are two variants of configuration objects, equivalent in power but different in usage: modules and annotated objects.

Modular configuration

Modular configuration looks like Google Guice or Digester modules. It provides very lightweight DSL to help you define actions which should be taken on different nodes of the document. It is designed in such way that it is compatible with Java 8 Lambda extension; moreover, modern IDEs (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA) can fold anonymous classes into something highly resembling lambdas, so configuration modules look fairly lean and straightforward, without sacrificing effectiveness of direct code invocation (opposite to reflective calls of Digester). This is the preferred method of configuration.

Modular configuration is usually defined by extending AbstractMappingModule class, though nothing prevents you from implementing MappingModule interface directly. AbstractMappingModule has single method, configure(), which is invoked by Devourer to configure mappings. It looks like this:

public class ExampleModule extends AbstractMappingModule {
    public void configure() {
            .doBefore(new ActionBefore() {
                public void act(Stacks stacks, AttributesContext context) {
            .doAt(new ActionAt() {
                public void act(Stacks stacks, AttributesContext context, String body) {
            .doAfter(new ActionAfter() {
                public void act(Stacks stacks, AttributesContext context) {



You can see that the body of configure() method consists of several on() method invocations followed doBefore(), doAt() and doAfter() calls. These calls set up provided actions of corresponding type to be invoked on corresponding elements specified by paths in XML document.

It should be noted that the order between different types of actions does not matter, that is, before-actions can safely go after after-actions (no pun intended).However, inside the group of actions of the same type defined on the same node the order does matter. It is guaranteed that such actions will be invoked exactly in definition order during the parsing process.

It is also possible to add actions on the same path using multiple on() clauses. This does not have any special effects, and the configuration behave exactly as if these actions were defined in the same on() clause.

Annotated configuration

Devourer also supports annotated configuration, which is heavily inspired by Spring Web MVC controllers. A class can be annotated in such way that its methods will be regarded as actions. This approach to configuration does require some reflection to be used during parsing process, so the modular approach should be preferred if you need as much performance as possible; however, annotated configuration is slightly more readable and understandable.

An object of any class can be regarded as annotated configuration. However, the class of this object should be properly annotated for the configuration to work correctly.

Annotated configuration class consists only of methods. These methods must be annotated at least with one of the following annotations: @Before, @At, @After. These annotations take single string argument which must be correct path inside the XML document. These annotations define the type of the action this method represents.

If method has return type other than void, it is assumed that the result of this method should be pushed on the stack. @PushTo method annotation allows you to specify stack name explicitly. If @PushTo is not specified, default stack will be used.

Annotated methods can have arbitrary number of parameters. During execution they will be injected with different objects depending on their types and annotations. The following table describes all possible variants of parameter types and annotation. In the table T means arbitrary type except the ones listed in the first part of the table.

Parameter type (possibly w/ annotation) Description of the injected value


Current stacks object

AttributeContext / ElementContext

Current element context

String (only in @At methods and not annotated with annotations described below)

Element textual content

@Pop T

An object from the top of the default stack; the object is removed from the stack; an exception is thrown if the stack is empty

@PopFrom(stackName) T

An object from the top of the specified stack; the object is removed from the stack; an exception is thrown if the stack is empty

@Peek T

An object from the top of the default stack; the object is kept on the stack; an exception is thrown if the stack is empty

@PeekFrom(stackName) T

An object from the top of the specified stack; the object is kept on the stack; an exception is thrown if the stack is empty

@Pop Optional<T>

An object from the top of the default stack; the object is removed from the stack; absent value is injected if the stack is empty

@PopFrom(stackName) Optional<T>

An object from the top of the specified stack; the object is removed from the stack; absent value is injected if the stack is empty

@Peek Optional<T>

An object from the top of the default stack; the object is kept on the stack; absent value is injected if the stack is empty

@PeekFrom(stackName) Optional<T>

An object from the top of the specified stack; the object is kept on the stack; absent value is injected if the stack is empty

Any other parameter type/annotation combination is illegal, and corresponding exception will be thrown at configuration time.

@Pop* annotations change Stacks state. This object is queried exactly in the order of parameters annotated with stack-manipulating annotations. For example, the following annotated action:

public void action(@Pop String value1, @Pop int value2, @Peek boolean value3,
                   @Pop boolean value4) {

Is equivalent to the this direct stack manipulation:

public void action(Stacks stacks) {
    String value1 = stacks.pop();
    int value2 = stacks.pop();
    boolean value3 = stacks.peek();
    boolean value4 = stacks.pop();

It should be obvious that writing parameters annotated with @Peek annotation for the same stack several times in a row is pointless, since they all will have the same value. On the other hand, having several @Pop-annotated parameters is perfectly OK.


Here is a quick example. Suppose you have the following XML document:

  <person id="1">
    <name>Foo Bar</name>
      <login site="">foobar</login>
      <login site=""></login>
  <person id="2">
    <name>Baz Boo</name>
      <login site="">boo.baz</login>
  <person id="4">
    <name>Fizz B. Jr</name>

You want to parse it into the list of objects of the following class:

public class Person {
    public final int id;
    public final String name;
    public final List<Login> logins;

    public Person(int id, String name, List<Login> logins) { = id; = name;
        this.logins = logins;

public class Login {
    public final String site;
    public final String value;

    public Login(String site, String value) { = site;
        this.value = value;

Then the following actions mapping will do the work for you:

public class PersonModule extends AbstractMappingModule {
    protected void configure() {
            .doBefore(new ActionBefore() {
                public void act(Stacks stacks, AttributesContext context) {
            .doAfter(new ActionAfter() {
                public void act(Stacks stacks, AttributesContext context) {
                    ImmutableList.Builder<Person> builder = stacks.pop();

            .doBefore(new ActionBefore() {
                public void act(Stacks stacks, AttributesContext context) {
            .doAfter(new ActionAfter() {
                public void act(Stacks stacks, AttributesContext context) {
                    String name = stacks.get("person").pop();
                    int id = Integer.parseInt(stacks.get("person").<String>pop());
                    List<Login> logins = stacks.get("logins").<List<Login>>tryPop().or(ImmutableList.<Login>of());

                    ImmutableList.Builder<Person> personsBuilder = stacks.peek();
                    personsBuilder.add(new Person(id, name, logins));

            .doAt(new ActionAt() {
                public void act(Stacks stacks, AttributesContext context, String body) {

            .doBefore(new ActionBefore() {
                public void act(Stacks stacks, AttributesContext context) {
            .doAfter(new ActionAfter() {
                public void act(Stacks stacks, AttributesContext context) {

            .doAt(new ActionAt() {
                public void act(Stacks stacks, AttributesContext context, String body) {
                          .add(new Login(context.attribute("site").get(), body));


This looks awfully verbose; however, it would look much better from inside the IDE, where code folding hides most of the verboseness. Furthermore, with Java 8 there will be no verboseness at all! This is how the module would look in Java 8:

public class PersonModule2 extends AbstractMappingModule {
    protected void configure() {
            .doBefore((stacks, context) -> stacks.push(ImmutableList.builder()))
            .doAfter((stacks, context) -> {
                ImmutableList.Builder<Person> builder = stacks.pop();

            .doBefore((stacks, context) -> stacks.get("person").push(context.attribute("id").get()))
            .doAfter((stacks, context) -> {
                String name = stacks.get("person").pop();
                int id = Integer.parseInt(stacks.get("person").<String>pop());
                List<Login> logins = stacks.get("logins").<List<Login>>tryPop().or(ImmutableList.<Login>of());

                ImmutableList.Builder<Person> personsBuilder = stacks.peek();
                personsBuilder.add(new Person(id, name, logins));

            .doAt((stacks, context, body) -> stacks.get("person").push(body));

            .doBefore((stacks, context) -> stacks.get("logins").push(ImmutableList.builder()))
            .doAfter((stacks, context) -> stacks.get("logins").push(

            .doAt((stacks, context, body) -> {
                      .add(new Login(context.attribute("site").get(), body));

The only boilerplate code here is repeated use of stacks, context and body lambda parameters, and even that is possible to alleviate using default methods provided by Java 8. I may possibly add special Java 8 support library for this later.

In fact, IntelliJ IDEA folds code in such way that you see it very similar to this even with Java 6/7 language level.

Another possibility is annotated configuration. An annotated class which will do the same job as the modules above looks like this:

public class PersonAnnotatedConfig {
    public ImmutableList.Builder<Person> beforePersons() {
        return ImmutableList.builder();

    public String personId(AttributesContext context) {
        return context.attribute("id").get();

    public String personName(String body) {
        return body;

    public ImmutableList.Builder<Login> beforeLogins() {
        return ImmutableList.builder();

    public void addLogin(@PeekFrom("logins") ImmutableList.Builder<Login> loginsBuilder, String body,
                         AttributesContext context) {
        loginsBuilder.add(new Login(context.attribute("site").get(), body));

    public List<Login> afterLogins(@PopFrom("logins") ImmutableList.Builder<Login> loginsBuilder) {

    public void afterPerson(@PopFrom("person") String name, @PopFrom("person") String id,
                            @PopFrom("logins") Optional<List<Login>> logins,
                            @Peek ImmutableList.Builder<Person> personsBuilder) {
        personsBuilder.add(new Person(Integer.parseInt(id), name, logins.or(ImmutableList.<Login>of())));

    public List<Person> afterPersons(@Pop ImmutableList.Builder<Person> personsBuilder) {

As you can see, annotated configuration reads slightly easier that modular configuration. There are no explicit Stacks modification, it is hidden behind annotated parameters and methods.

Module definition was the hardest part. Actual XML parsing is very simple:

Devourer devourer = Devourer.create(new PersonModule());
// Or:
// Devourer devourer = Devourer.create(new PersonAnnotatedConfig());
Reader reader = obtainReaderForXMLSomewhere();
Stacks stack = devourer.parse(reader);
List<Person> persons = stacks.pop();

That’s it. persons will be a list of Person objects read from the XML and constructed via actions configured in the module.

Operational configuration

It is possible to configure Devourer behavior using DevourerConfig object. These are the things you can currently tweak using this configuration:

  • enable or disable trimming of leading and trailing whitespaces of element textual content; this is something you usually want to have, so it is enabled by default, however, sometimes you want to turn it off (e.g. when handling CDATA);
  • configure StAX parser directly by setting StAX XMLInputFactory properties.

DevourerConfig object is usually created using builder class. It looks like this:

DevourerConfig config = DevourerConfig.builder()
    .setStaxProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_COALESCING, true)

Then you can supply DevourerConfig object as an argument to Devourer.create() method:

Devourer devourer = Devourer.create(config, new PersonModule());

Limitations of the library

There are several limitations of the library I’m aware of; some of them will be fixed in the next versions.

  1. Devourer does not handle namespaces well. Currently paths are resolved using local names; it is not possible to distinguish between different namespaces by the means of the path only. The only way you can use namespaces is to get them using AttributesContext. This is something I intend to change very soon.
  2. Devourer does not have special shortcut actions to do some specific job, e.g. set JavaBean property or create an object. This is done intentionally, since such actions usually require reflection to work, and I tried to avoid reflection as much as possible. Also, I’m convinced that JavaBean-style class are evil: they are usually mutable (and I think that mutable DTOs should be avoided at all costs) and bring unneccessary clutter in form of getter/setter methods. However, Devourer may provide some shortcut actions in the future if I find them useful.
  3. Devourer API is not stable right now. It is possible that I would change something in the new version which will break your code. I will notify about such changes in my blog.


Currently I don’t know of any bugs in the library. If you find one, feel free to post it to the Bitbucket issue tracker.