Exception handling

See the section about error handling for more information about error handling in general. This section is dedicated to the exception handling specifically.

Always use braces with the try-catch-finally construct, even if the body of the try contains one expression:

// bad
try doSomething()
catch {

// good
try {
} catch {

Do not catch Throwable or ignore exceptions inside catch clauses; never ever ignore the caught exceptions; at the very least you should log them:

try {
} catch {
  // this is wrong
  case e: Throwable => ...

try {
} catch {
  // this is VERY wrong
  case _ =>

Use scala.util.control.NonFatal in case you need to catch "all" exceptions:

try {
} catch {
  case NonFatal(e) => logger.error("Something bad happened", e)

Never write any non-local control flow instructions in the finally blocks. This includes returns, throws and calling functions which may throw exceptions:

try {
} finally {
  // VERY bad
  throw AnotherException()